A tip of the cap…and scratch of the head to hospitality marketers perpetually in search of the Holy Grail – ROI. Or ROAS.
But shouldn’t we care more about attribution than contribution?
Because on the path-to-purchase, a traveler or event planner must first navigate awareness, interest, and consideration.
Oh, if only he/she/they would advance directly to conversion.
In our digital world, we – yes, WE – all of us are consumers – make purchase decisions based on myriad influences…such as consumer reviews, social media, search and retargeting, outdoor and broadcast media, maybe print, word of mouth, banner ads and various promotions, as well as the service experience. Also, email and text messaging.
The shopping experience today is omni-channel. And there may be as many as 700 touchpoints prior to purchase, all micro-moments…
I want to KNOW.
I want to GO.
I want to DO.
I want to BUY moments.
Important to acknowledge is that no one marketing channel is alone responsible for generating reservations and revenue. Rather, it’s that synergistic relationship of marketing tactics that, over time, influences purchase decisions.
Attribution is neither first touch nor last touch. Rather, in this digital age, attribution is unquestionably multi-touch.
Not sure? For the last item you acquired, revisit your path-to-purchase.
